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To start integrating to the Qliro Checkout solution, you need the following:  
  • HTTPS-enabled web server
  • URL definitions
  • Credentials (supplied by your Merchant Onboarding agent) 
HTTPS-enabled web server
All communication towards Qliro endpoints must be done using HTTPS.
URL definitions
Different functionality in the checkout may require that you provide URLs. In some cases, it is for presenting information on that URL and others are used for callback functionality. See below for URL definitions: 
URL Description Mandatory?
Shopping cart URL Where you have embedded the checkout iframe Yes
Order confirmation URL Where you publish the Thank you-page. Yes
Terms and conditions URL Where you publish your terms and conditions. Yes
MerchantCheckoutStatusPushUrl Where you implement logic to manage status changes for checkout order. Yes
MerchantOrderManagementStatusPushUrl Where you implement logic to manage status changes for order management. Yes
MerchantOrderValidationUrl Where you implement logic to validate if an order is completed or refused. No
MerchantOrderAvailableShippingMethodsUrl Where you implement logic to send shipping methods available for current order to Qliro. No
MerchantOrderAvailableShippingAddressesUrl Where you implement logic to to send shipping addresses available for the current customer to Qliro. No
MerchantIntegrityPolicyUrl Where you publish the integrity policy, if on a separate page than terms and conditions. No
Continue to API references for more information on URLs.
API Credentials
Please contact your Onboarding agent or email integration@qliro.com to get your API credentials.
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