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Render thank you page
When customer submits order they will be presented with Qliro thank you page.
When an order is completed or OnHold, Qliro will redirect the customer to your MerchantConfirmationUrl where the thank you page will be rendered. 
When the customer is redirected to the confirmation page, the merchant has to make a new GetOrder request to get the updated information about the order and the CustomerCheckoutStatus.
If the CustomerCheckoutStatus is Completed or OnHold, there will be a non-empty array of OrderItems. It is essential that this list of items is used, since it represents the correct list of items that the customer has paid for. Therefore, you are advised to update your order accordingly.
  1. Receive a push notification CheckoutStatusPush = Complete or OnHold.
  2. Run the get order request.
  3. Read the HTML-snippet from the get order response.
  4. Render the modular thank you-page on the MerchantConfirmationURL defined earlier in the create order-request.
Good to know
  • The thank you page consist of modules. Some of them can be excluded if needed. Please visit Customization section for more information.
  • Presenting the merchant reference for the completed order can be included in the hearder module if requested. Contact Integration@qliro.com for this.
  • Once purchase processing completion, the status of the order in the checkout is set to Completed or OnHold, simultaneously the customer in the checkout is redirected to the MerchantConfirmationUrl.
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